

Get instructions for putting together your eLearnTronics learning board, and also view the explainer video that breaks down what is going on in your board when you turn it on.

Resistance Board Instructions

View instructions and an explanation of what is happening when you turn on your resistance board

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Capacitance Board Instructions

View instructions and an explanation of what is happening when you turn on your capacitance board

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Multiplexer Board

What is going on when you push buttons on your multiplexer board? Get soldering instructions, and an explanation of just what multiplexing is!

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Series vs. Parallel Board

What is going on when you turn on your Series vs. Parallel board? Get soldering instructions, and an explanation of just what is going on with those resistors and capacitors!

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Logic Gates Board

Our most advanced board, yet. Get instructions on soldering your board together, and get a video explaining just what exactly logic gates are.

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